Night Fighters of America
A Violence Prevention Organization

Night Fighters Reviews
The Night Fighters of America Organization has had the pleasure to work with numerous organizations, schools, businesses and individuals. Below are some reviews expressing the impact the Night Fighters have made during our quest to save children.

Pickens County Middle School
This letter is being written in wholehearted support of the efforts of Joel Bell and Mallory Cantrell as the Night Fighters. They have made two engaging presentations at Pickens County Middle School. They are called to work with the future of America and have made a tremendous impact with our kids. Our kids welcome them with open arms and enjoy them immensely. Dr. Mark Petersen, Principal
Warner Robins Middle School
After I walked from the gym to my office afterwards, I could hear students everywhere talking about your show and how moved they were by it. Some girls were even repeating the refrain from the poem "The Race" as they walked down the hall. I was so glad to see that your powerful message about lives wasted by violence and drugs was heard by so many of our students. I hope that you will continue to spread this much-needed message to the youth of America. Kathy Giddens, Instructional Coordinator
Peach County School System
I am getting favorable comments from teachers and students. You and Mallory made an impact on everyone. Every student in Georgia should have the opportunity to see the program. William C. Alford, School Social Worker
Rutland Psychoeducation Services
We at Rutland Psychoeducational Services were very touched by the Night Fighters presentation. We listen to our students' comments and it is clear that you have impacted their lives. We applaud the work that you are doing. It is obvious that you make a difference.
Bess Allen, Director, Rutland Psychoeducational Services
Tift County Public Schools
The Night Fighters' performance was sensational. Now that our world is so obsessed with violence and that we are losing our youth by the millions, we shall hope that you will continue to spread the word about finding the hero within yourself. The performance moved many souls, touched several hearts and inspired us all. We can't think of enough accolades to describe our feelings about the performance. It was just too good to verbalize. Kim Ezekiel, Title I Parent Coordinator
Frederick Douglass High School
Thank you so much for allowing my tenth graders to view the Night Fighters' presentation. The performances were excellent. The message was poignant and powerful; something that all inner city school youths could identify with. Debbie Pearson, English Instructor
D.M. Therrell Comprehensive High School
Thanks so much for presenting your Night Fighters' production to over 600 of our ninth and tenth graders. The performance seemingly mesmerized the students and raised their level of determination to avoid becoming involved in any kind of violent behavior.
Alphonso G. Jones, Jr., Principal
100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc.
I am writing this letter to express our sincere gratitude for the thought-provoking performance that you conducted as part of our end-of-year Family Night. Some parents felt it was an excellent way to talk with their children about tough issues that have affected their own lives, such as death of a family member, drug abuse, poverty, and conflict among peers. Folami Prescott-Adams, Programs Director.
Sunset Elementary School
On behalf of the families who were represented at the Night Fighters presentation in Moultrie on April 22, I extend my heartfelt thanks. You made a remarkable impact on many individuals in our community. Your inspirational message encouraging non-violence and a drug-free lifestyle was powerful. How wonderful our world would be if we could make good choices, find the hero in ourselves and rise each time we fall.
J.N. Taylor, Principal
Lamar County Comprehensive High School
Thank you so much for the inspirational program. You really captivated the faculty and students with your presentation. The message was very touching. I had a number of students to tell me that you were talking to them. You and Mallory did an excellent job of making your skits come to life. You had teachers and students riveted to the edge of their seats, hanging on to every word and move that was made. It was a wonderful experience for everyone here. Dewaine T. Bell, Principal
Ebenezer Baptist Church, West
Thank you and the Night Fighters for a tremendous show on May 3, 1997. The Youth Department of the church and our visitors from the Stonehenge Your Association enjoyed your dramatic performance on "Choices and Consequences." Brian N. Williams, Youth Coordinator
Gainesville City Schools
Night Fighters send powerful messages to our young people on the importance of healthy choices, the impact of teasing others, taking responsibility for one's behavior, the consequences of bad choices, and having the courage to seek healthy alternatives to problems. Also, your emphasis on the "real heroes" being those people who truly love us, such as parents, teachers, counselors, etc., was right on target.
Joyce Rucker, Parent Involvement Coordinator
Cobb-Douglas Psychoeducational Center
Many students and staff members were touched by your message as many of them have continued to make comments regarding what they saw. Your performance definitely made an impact on our students. I appreciate the two of you staying for a little while after the performance ro speak personally with some of our students. Those were very special moments to us. A couple of students who requested to talk to you are typically very reserved and seldom talk about their feelings. Mary Ann Eads, LSS / Lead Teacher
Fulton County Board of Education
I am writing to thank you for the wonderful "Night Fighters" presentation to the seventh graders at our school on December 16th. We have had many persentations with a similar message, but "Night Fighters" was definitely the most powerful and moving presentation yet. It was obvious from the students' reactions that you made the dangers of substance abuse and violence seem very real indeed. Many students and teachers were fighting back their tears. Claudia Phillips, Guidance Counselor
Georgia D.A.R.E. Officers Association
Your presentation was so powerful and very touching. The message you are sending is one that all children in Georgia should hear. As President of the G.D.O.A., we proudly salute the Night Fighters for a job well done and support and recommend your program to any school or civic group. Jimmy H. Yancy, President
The Gwinnett InterVention Education (GIVE) Center
Sometimes it is difficult to gain the attention of the youth we serve in this "alternative" school. There are messages we believe they need to hear. However, they are not always in agreement with us in this area. They either have "heard it all" or "know it all" and do not want to waste their time on hearing more. Your performance not only gained their attention (no small feat), but also delivered the messages in ways they could relate. No student I spoke with after the performance expressed that this had been a waste of their time. And, believe me, if they felt it had, they would have easily let it be known. Steve N. Bennett, Principal
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Continuing Education Program for Women and Children's Health
I want to thank you for the program that the Night Fighters presented. The response from all of the health professionals at the workshop was overwhelming. I think it was particularly significant that they gave a speaker/group standing ovation. I can see how your presentation touches not only the minds of our youth but also their hearts. Thank you for the insight you gave all of us. Cherry A. Guinn, RN ED.D, Project Director
Atlanta Public Schools
I have personally been touched and encouraged by the positive message that the Night Fighters bring to the school community - students, parents, and staff. The presentation is an invaluable community resource and a rewarding investment in the future of our city, state, and nation. Rhunett R. Linsay, PhD
Inner City Games - Greater Atlanta
There are no words to express our appreciation for the outstanding performance given by the Night Fighters at the Opening Ceremony for Greater Atlanta Inner City Games. The dramatization adds something special to the success of the show. As I gazed upon the sea of faces in the audience, every eye was glued to the stage; one could hardly hear a "pin drop." You made an incredible impression on this impressionable young group of onlookers. Our staff and volunteers are eternally grateful. Stephanie Campbell, Excecutive Director
River Quest
You both were wonderfully inspirational in your delivery and message to our group of 600 educators. What a great way to start the school year! I'm sure that your impact will be much greater once you begin entering our psychoeducational shcools and meeting our children as I know tht you will just from the interest that was shown at this conference. What a snowball you have formed!
Kim Strading Hulsey, LCSW, Program Coordinator
Juvenile Court - Gwinnett Judicial Circuit
Given the current escalation of violence in our schools as well as in our society as a whole, I feel that the Night Fighters program would be a very valuable educational tool. This program could make a difference in reducing violence in our schools. I found their performance to be hard-hitting, thought provoking, and educational. They focused on issues to help education today's youth on how to maintain safety in their schools and communities. General Vann, Alternative Program Coordinator
Grady County Council on Child Abuse, Inc.
Many children made comments such as "I felt worthless, but now I feel liked a hero." There was laughter, tears and gasps of amazement at the karate demonstration. Never have I seen such a large group of junior high school children (about 1200) so quiet for such a long time. The principals and teachers were amazed that all the middle school students in Grady County could be in a room together and be so well-behaved and quiet! Rebecca F. Willis, President